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301 Startup-Jobs found

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Full development responsibility for the Frontend part of the solution

Working with Modern Frameworks API Integration

**Freelancer / Agenturen / Teams welcome** Als Vue.js Entwickler*in wirst du unser bestehendes Customer Portal, in dem Kunden ihre Bestellungen einsehen und überarbeiten können, komplett neu in Vue.js bauen. Unser aktueller MVP ist hardgecoded und soll nun in ein skalierbares Framework übersetzt werden. Deine Aufgabe wird es sein, dieses Portal in Vue zu bauen. Deine Aufgaben: - Konzeption und Umsetzung der User-Interfaces mit Vue.js. - Integration bestehender Backend-APIs in das neue Frontend. - Sicherstellung einer optimalen User Experience und Performance des Portals. - Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Backend-Team, um eine nahtlose Integration zu gewährleisten. Regelmäßiger Austausch mit den Gründern und dem Produktmanagement, um Anforderungen zu verstehen und umzusetzen. Anforderungen: - Nachweisbare Erfahrung mit Vue - Erfahrung mit der Entwicklung von skalierbaren Web-Anwendungen - Kenntnisse in UX/UI-Design von Vorteil

Your task: As CTO, you will take over the technical leadership of our company and make a significant contribution to the continued success of our existing success story. You will lead and inspire our team of talented developers and drive the further development of our existing solutions. Your profile: Education: You have a degree in computer science, engineering or a comparable technical discipline. Professional experience: You already have professional experience in a developer position. Technical expertise: You have extensive knowledge in the areas of development (frontend, backend), cloud computing and big data. Leadership skills: You have strong leadership and motivational skills and can lead teams effectively. Communication: You communicate clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. Team player: You are a team player and enjoy working with others to achieve common goals.

Build the technology stack for YooDrop. Lead the development of the backend and frontends (web, mobile) Join the pitch to investors as CTO Hire technical team

We are a forward-thinking company in the construction industry, looking to develop a comprehensive web application tailored to meet the needs of construction companies. This application will streamline operations, enhance project management, and facilitate effective communication within our teams and with our clients.

1. App Architecture Design: Design scalable, secure architecture using appropriate design patterns (MVC, MVVM). 2. iOS App Development: Develop user interface with SwiftUI or UIKit. Implement core functionalities using Swift and Objective-C. 3. Bitcoin Integration: Implement Bitcoin wallet functionalities. Develop secure transaction processes. Integrate blockchain APIs for real-time data. 4. Security Implementation: Ensure secure coding practices. Implement encryption for data storage and transmission. 5. Backend Development: Develop backend services to support Bitcoin transactions. Ensure seamless communication between frontend and backend. 6. Testing and QA: Conduct unit and integration testing. Perform security audits and stress testing. 7. Deployment and Maintenance: Deploy app using TestFlight and the App Store. Monitor and maintain app performance, releasing updates as needed.

Hello Dev-Community, I'm looking for talented Next.js and Drupal developers to contribute to an innovative real estate investment project I've helped to shape over the course of the last year. This project is in its early founding phase and is seeking individuals who are eager to be an integral part of this game-changing venture. The project aims to revolutionize the real estate investment landscape, providing a community driven platform for investing, sharing and trading.

- Dynamisches Team: Ein engagiertes und motiviertes Team, das bereit ist, gemeinsam Großes zu erreichen. - Vielfältige Projekte: Spannende und herausfordernde Projekte, bei denen Du Deine Fähigkeiten voll einbringen kannst.

- Develop and implement new features for both frontend and backend - Evaluate and integrate new technologies into our existing codebase - Contribute to product strategy and innovation - Collaborate with our team to improve our AI-based coaching tool

You will take responsibility for the development of a new, innovative AI-supported software solution. Your main task is the (further) development of generative AI models with the help of RAG, NLP, etc. In addition, your field of activity includes software and architecture development in an agile team. Based on customer requirements, you will realise solutions and architectures with an overall view of the frontend and backend. You will also be responsible for UI design.

Challenges: We have started MVP development, and the tech stack is defined. Our goal is to create a web app for venue use and a native app for users, ensuring seamless communication between the two. The user-focused native app should dynamically show live availability (via a map) and be quick and easy to use. The web app for venues should prioritise fast and easy input, allowing staff to quickly/spontaneously list newly available tables. You will closely collaborate with the team to achieve an optimal customer problem-solution fit and build the initial product from the existing tech stack. Based on the current timeline and speed of development, you will onboard and coordinate new developers while also expanding the product with new features based on customer interviews and feedback. Responsibilities: Familiarise yourself with the tech stack Update and plan the MVP development timeline MVP development, launch, and testing Develop additional features for a market-ready product

- Create visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces that enhance user interaction with the application. - Enhance the usability of the application through effective layout, navigation, and interactive elements, focusing on optimizing the user journey. - Make sure that the application works seamlessly across different devices and browsers, adjusting the design as needed to maintain functionality and appearance. - Work closely with backend developers to integrate APIs and data services, ensuring that the frontend logic correctly interacts with server-side applications. - Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability, focusing on efficient rendering and minimizing load times. - Continuously learn and apply new technologies and best practices in frontend development to keep the application modern and innovative. - Maintain clear documentation of the codebase and frontend development processes to support ongoing maintenance and future upgrades.

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to join our team. The CTO will be responsible for taking our Video Translation Platform from the prototype stage to a fully scalable product on Google Cloud. This role requires a combination of full-stack development, cloud engineering, and DevOps skills. The CTO will oversee the platform's frontend, backend, and cloud infrastructure, ensuring seamless performance and scalability. Note: This role does NOT involve the development of the video translator itself or any machine learning/deep learning tasks. - Leading the development and optimization of our Video Translation Platform. - Transitioning the platform from prototype to a fully scalable product on Google Cloud. - Managing frontend, backend, and cloud engineering efforts. - Refining and optimizing the overall system architecture of the platform. - Implementing and maintaining auto-scaling. - Redefining the platforms overall cloud architecture concept. - Collaborating with two additional developers who have built the prototype. - Building and managing the technical team for ongoing platform development.

Dein Profil: - Erfahrung in der Webentwicklung (Frontend und Backend). - Kenntnisse in relevanten Programmiersprachen und Technologien. - Kreativität und ein Auge für ansprechendes Design. - Fähigkeit, selbstständig und im Team zu arbeiten. - Unternehmergeist und die Bereitschaft, innovative Ideen einzubringen und umzusetzen.
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