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152 Startup-Jobs found

152 Startup-Jobs found

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We are reimagining the veterinary visit by building a superior pet care experience for all. - You are highly ambitious, equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset, and don’t shy back from a challenge – you strive to be a founder of a high growth venture - You graduated top of your class with a degree in business preferably with a focus on finance, real estate, or similar subjects - Relevant background and experience in the finance industry (IB, PE, VC etc.) or consulting or early-stage entrepreneurship - Ability to work on your own – high degree of self-motivation, hands-on mentality, and a pro-active problem-solver mindset - Strong analytical skills with passion for numbers - Fluency in German and English - You are a natural leader with the ability to inspire those around you, excellent team building and communication skills - Bonus: You have an initial understanding of new era healthcare models, preferably the veterinary industry and own a pet

Deine Aufgaben: Finanzplanung und -analyse: Entwickle und implementiere Finanzstrategien, um das Wachstum und die Nachhaltigkeit des Unternehmens zu sichern. Investor Relations: Identifiziere Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und baue Beziehungen zu Investoren auf. Budgetierung und Kostenkontrolle: Überwache die Ausgaben und stelle sicher, dass das Budget effizient genutzt wird. Finanzberichterstattung: Erstelle regelmäßige Berichte für Investoren und das Management-Team. Strategische Planung: Arbeite eng mit den Mitgründern zusammen, um die langfristige Strategie des Unternehmens zu gestalten. Compliance und Risikomanagement: Stelle sicher, dass alle finanziellen Aktivitäten im Einklang mit den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und internen Richtlinien stehen.

Beginn ohne/ max. 500,- Euro Eigenkapital Remote möglich Mentor an deiner Seite Kostenlose Seminare

Du darfst deine Aufgaben im Business-Bereich aussuchen: Willst du im Sales mit kleinen und großen Unternehmen quatschen und unser Produkt auf ihre Wünsche anpassen mit unseren Entwickler/innen oder willst du dich um unsere Zahlen kümmern (z.B Pricing) oder um das Marketing (es wird bunt!). Komm und wende deine Skills an und lerne jeden Tag mit uns dazu!

Legally establish the company, including registration, incorporation, and compliance with relevant regulations. Develop comprehensive business plans outlining the company's vision, mission, strategies, and financial projections. Create compelling pitch decks to effectively communicate the company's value proposition to potential investors and stakeholders. Identify and engage potential investors, building relationships to secure funding for the company's growth. Collaborate closely with the founding team to align business strategies with product development and market needs. Lead negotiations with investors and other key partners to secure favorable terms for the company. Manage financial planning, budgeting, and reporting to ensure the company's financial health and sustainability. Represent the company at industry events, pitch competitions, and networking opportunities to build the company's profile and attract investment. Stay up-to-date with market trends, competitor activities, and industry best practices to inform strategic decisions.

building up and manifesting the position as CFO talking to the investor and getting new money

Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement the company's financial strategy and vision. - Lead financial forecasting, budgeting, and reporting processes to support strategic decision-making. - Oversee fundraising activities, including investor relations, pitch preparation, and negotiation of investment deals. - Manage the company's financial health, ensuring robust financial controls and compliance with regulations. - Collaborate with other executives to set company-wide goals and objectives. - Monitor and assess financial trends and risks to ensure the company remains financially healthy and sustainable. - Build and manage a high-performing finance team, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Die Zukunft, die du siehst mit Trimply, der Reise-Pausen App als CFO/CMO/Teilhaber, Co-Founder, Investor/Business Angel

Meine Ideen auf ihre Umsetzbarkeit und Monetarisierung hin zu evaluieren. Anschließend aktive Beteiligung bei der Umsetzung. Mitgründung des Startups.

Find Investors or Find Users or Develop new technologies like AI / Blockchain

Gemeinsam krempeln wir den Immobilienmarkt in der Bestandssanierung um, egal ob energetische Sanierung oder Energieeffizienz Plus Sanierung, idealerweise kommst du aus der Baubranche oder Handwerksbranche und kennst dich dort aus. Du wirst den Financial Bereich komplett von Anfang an aufbauen und leiten. Die Businessidee und die entsprechenden Partner sind bereits vorhanden, das Angebot muss zusammen mit mir in Businesspläne verarbeitet werden und dann über entsprechende Förderbanken durchfinanziert werden.

help promote our product both in person and online help develop brand concept and partnerships with retailers
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Here's how:
  • Open one of your startup projects or create a new one.
  • Make your pitchdeck available as a PDF file in the "Our Pitchdeck" section.
  • Receive "requests for access" from business angels registered on founderio.
  • Decide for yourself who gets access. 1)
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1) After uploading, business angels registered on founderio have the possibility to send you a "pitchdeck request". You will be notified by us and can decide yourself if you accept or reject the request. Accepted requests can be withdrawn at any time. There is no access to the pitchdeck without your consent!

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