Reach private investors
Get rid of cold calling!
- Be found, stop searching
- No inefficient cold calls
- Angels apply to you
How it works
Three steps to your investment
Upload pitchdeck
After uploading, our angels can request access to your pitchdeck from you.
Receive inquiries
Decide for yourself which inquiries from interested investors you want to accept.
Write messages
Further details, a product presentation or a first meeting? Exchange contact details!
Full control
You decide who gets access!
Only business angels with a premium account, registered on founderio, get the possibility to request pitchdecks. You can decide for yourself if you accept or decline a request. There is no access to your pitchdeck without your consent!

Reach 1000+ Angels in one go!
Simply upload a pitchdeck to your startup project and receive personal requests from exciting funding partners. Our Angels are waiting for you!
Add your pitch deck How it works