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2 Startup-Jobs found

2 Startup-Jobs found

In summary, as a technical co-founder you will play a multifaceted role in shaping adCasa's technical development, from mobile app architecture and security to AI integration and project management. You will be a vital driving force behind the success and innovation of the mDMA application.

Individueller Umzugsservice in Form von 6 Leistungspaketen. Beratung und Zusammenstellung für jeden Kunden nach persönlichem Bedarf. Zeitgemäßer Service. Individuell, bezahlbar, auf sämtliche Erfordernisse anzuwenden.
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Reach out to over 800+ business angels with your pitchdeck!

Here's how:
  • Open one of your startup projects or create a new one.
  • Make your pitchdeck available as a PDF file in the "Our Pitchdeck" section.
  • Receive "requests for access" from business angels registered on founderio.
  • Decide for yourself who gets access. 1)
#PrivateInvestors #FullControl #PersonalContact

1) After uploading, business angels registered on founderio have the possibility to send you a "pitchdeck request". You will be notified by us and can decide yourself if you accept or reject the request. Accepted requests can be withdrawn at any time. There is no access to the pitchdeck without your consent!

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