What you bring to the team

We are looking for a motivated and dedicated CTO for our unique breathing & meditation app. The candidate should be a professional developer with experience as CTO. To fit the current team the person should be humble, communicative and interested in healthcare topics.
You have strengths in...
  • numbers, data and logic
  • organizing and keeping stuff tidy
  • pushing and getting things done
You already have...
  • worked as fulltime employee
  • lead fulltime employees

What awaits you

Our preferred CTO is more hands-on, directly engaging in coding or infrastructure setup

- Setting a clear technical vision in line with the company's business goals
- Overseeing the app's design, development, and deployment
- Ensuring product availability, scalability, reliability, and performance
- Establishing a product roadmap in coordination with other executive team members
- Overseeing infrastructure, including cloud services, servers, databases, etc.
- Implementing security measures and protocols to protect data and users
- Promoting a positive technical culture that emphasizes quality, growth, and collaboration

What we offer you

Shares + good salary

About our project

ATEM is an app that sustainably improves the health of people through efficient & personalized breath & meditation exercises.

Our breathing & meditation app "ATEM" enhances mobile self-care by…
...Helping people with easy & affordable methods
...Improving quality of life of its users
...Enhancing people‘s health sovereignty
...Reducing cost for health care systems

We launched the app successfully and had a pretty good product-market fit phase. Now we want to start growth phase. Therefore we need an upgrade of the team and funding.

Target group
(1) Stressed-out people that seek for instant stress relief as well as long term help but
will only spend a few minutes a
day on self-care.
(2) People that already identified
self-care as essential part of their
personal wellbeing
(3) People that are either professional
athlets or train almost like one,
looking for healty & legal ways to
increase their personal fitness


40h / week worktime
90000 salary
<10% Shares
from immediately Startdate
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