Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

633 Startup-Jobs gefunden

633 Startup-Jobs gefunden

- Entwickle die Plattform gemeinsam mit uns im Team - Verantworte die gesamte Produktentwicklung und baue ein Team auf

Einarbeitung in bestehende Software. Erarbeiten und umsetzen von UI/ UX Elementen und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Zeitnahe Umsetzung gewünscht, geplanter go-live in 09-2024.

Join the company's long-term technology vision and strategy and be part of a unique Brand. Develop a roadmap for the implementation of new features, products, and technical enhancements to improve user experience and drive growth. Provide leadership, mentorship, and professional development opportunities to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Du wirst in einem kleinen Team von Anfang an dabei sein, ein Unternehmen aufzubauen. Wir benötigen dich besonders bei: • Entwicklung und Implementierung psychologischer Strategien und Techniken, um das Wohlbefinden und die Lebensqualität unserer Zielgruppe zu verbessern. • Integration fundierter psychologischer Forschung in unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen, um eine nachhaltige Wirkung zu erzielen. • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit unserem interdisziplinären Team, um psychologische Erkenntnisse in die Entwicklung unserer innovativen Lösungen einzubinden. • Kontinuierliche Evaluation und Anpassung unserer Ansätze basierend auf den Bedürfnissen und Feedbacks unserer Nutzer. • Vertretung des Unternehmens nach außen, einschließlich Social Media und PR, um unsere Mission und unsere Produkte bekannt zu machen und das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung unserer Arbeit zu schärfen. • Aufbau und Pflege von Partnerschaften im Gesundheitssektor sowie mit relevanten Akteuren aus Technologie und Forschung. • Weiterentwicklung der Unternehmensstrategie und Vision, um das Gesundheitswesen nachhaltig zu verbessern.

1. We are looking to build a community website that allows brand ambassadors to access their earnings 2. We will need to design and build strong digital presence and launch our first batch of bottles as a drop 3. We need to refine a direct to consumer strategy and design a Shopify store 4. We need to build relationships and attract partners for hosting regular in person events as well as distributing our product to these partners

This is your chance to codevelop an early stage startup - starting with EXIST and raising pre-seed investment. You will refine the business model and the Go-to-Market strategy. From sales to investor pitches there's plenty of opportunities to shape organization and product.

Development of the AI system. Sys-Admin Establishing of server infrastructure.

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey to disrupt the coffee machine market? Join our team as a co-founder and play a pivotal role in turning our vision into reality. You will join us in the pre-seed and pre-funding phase, and become a full-fledged co-founder with all its risks and rewards. Our groundbreaking solution offers barista-quality coffee without the space and effort constraints of traditional machines. Say goodbye to capsule machines and hello to our capsule-free capsule machine - focusing on convenience and sustainability. We are looking for a highly creative marketing ace / all-rounder (because of start-up). - crafting brand strategy - driving marketing - preparing funding rounds - building brand awareness - analysing market metrics - website design - social media - creating compelling content

Design and execute experiments. Do technical developement hand in hand with the initiator of this project and support him, when he can't.

We are a small team with experienced founders and a successful entrepreneurial track record. Our first MVP is live and we are proud. But many ideas in the backlog need attention in front- and backend. The role can be executed remotely. If you are interested - ping me!

B2B (venues) and B2C (users) marketing as well as market entry strategy creation and implementation. Direct B2B communication: This means taking over with the sales pitches conducted in December of last year and introducing venue managers with the concept of with the goal of getting them to subscribe to our waitlist for MVP launch. (95% positive response from managers, but difficult to get in touch with them in the first place) Strategic B2B communication: First contact with venue chains (Hans im Glück, Sausalitos, HaimWerk etc.) and partnership strategy (Contact information acquired, but no sales pitch exists yet) You are the bridge between our business development and customer requirements and feedback.

- Experiment with linear models and nural nets in order to predict price movements - Implementing the models into trading strategies - Calculate new trading indicators as features (based on feedback and discussion with CEO) - Making changes to the existing prototype of the bot

Entwicklung von neuen Features und Maintenance. Idealerweise hast du +10h Zeit pro Woche.
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