Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

4036 Startup-Jobs gefunden

4036 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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Entwerfen, bauen und programmieren eines Roboters für die Wartung einer Fassadenbegrünung. Genauere Details besprechen wir gerne persönlich.

KI-Entwicklung, Aufbau eines Systems bestehend aus KI und Kamera, Schnittstellenprogrammierung

I am seeking a team of co-founders to bring a product to market. This is a healthcare communication tool which will use AI to optimize efficiency of care in medical practices and take advantage of the new secure messaging tools required by German healthcare law. The system is already largely built and deployed for beta testing.

o Strategic design of the platform architecture o Design & development of the interfaces with a two-sided market (buyside & sellside) o Technical product development React.js o coordination with external design & development capacities o Internal coordination on features with operational teams o Building, coordinating and training a development team o Budget management and ensuring efficient use of (tech) resources o Managing the internal IT department o Optimization and automation of digital workflows o Acquiring tools to improve productivity Our tech stack: o React.js o SCSS + CSS3 o Javascript o Wordpress o Salesforce o Integrations (excerpts): Stripe, Sentry, Intercom, Sendgrid

Co-Management of our tech team, Sales, Organization, Roadmap-Planning

currently working on: • validating the business case and conducting expert interviews • developing & testing the MVP: open beta version ready in Q3/ 24 • preparing business plan & pitch deck for seed funding investment round

Sei dabei wie wir tausende Menschen tagtäglich dabei unterstützen, einfacher neue Kunden zu gewinnen. Sei dabei von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung. Lass uns das Unternehmen gemeinsam skalieren und tausende Menschen erreichen.

We are creating the first well-being game for couples - If it's your first ride: earn how a start-up works and gain first hands experience - You receive a lot of flexibility and responsibility to develop the product - Company shares

We are reimagining the veterinary visit by building a superior pet care experience for all. - You are highly ambitious, equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset, and don’t shy back from a challenge – you strive to be a founder of a high growth venture - You graduated top of your class with a degree in business preferably with a focus on finance, real estate, or similar subjects - Relevant background and experience in the finance industry (IB, PE, VC etc.) or consulting or early-stage entrepreneurship - Ability to work on your own – high degree of self-motivation, hands-on mentality, and a pro-active problem-solver mindset - Strong analytical skills with passion for numbers - Fluency in German and English - You are a natural leader with the ability to inspire those around you, excellent team building and communication skills - Bonus: You have an initial understanding of new era healthcare models, preferably the veterinary industry and own a pet

Ein starkes Team aus Designern, Software Architekten, PM und Marketeers gestaltet Räume und Wohnungen nach Kundenwunsch a.k. Curated Shopping von Möbeln & Deko. Als Interior Designer liebst du es, Räume oder Wohnungen einzurichten. Neben einer Passion für Interior erwarten wir 2+ Jahre relevante Berufserfahrung, eine geeignete Qualifikation, Organisationsgeschick und eine freundliche, kommunikative Art.

Gemeinsam auf Augenhöhe mit Spaß Geschäftsideen entwickeln und umsetzen Idee/Vorschlag…ERSTE VORGEHENSWEISE wäre z.B.…das persönliche Kennenlernen beim Kaffee, Bier, Grillen…und die Teamgründung. Die Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass die Geschäftsidee zwar ein sehr wichtiger Faktor ist, aber der entscheidende Erfolg hängt vom richtigen Team ab (die ernsthaft und gemeinsam mit Freude an einer Vision ziehen). Nur gemeinsam ist man stark und kann etwas verändern. Sobald wir uns also gefunden haben und der Überzeugung sind gemeinsam etwas zu bewegen 🙂 beginnen wir damit, strategisch mit Spaß Geschäftsideen zu entwickeln oder bereits erdachte / vorhandene Geschäftsideen zu besprechen…um uns dann auf die erste Idee zu einigen und dann geht es an die Umsetzung 😊

Working with a visionary

Before commercial phase: 1. Help design the prototype (Where applicable): - Create CAD design of product - Create PCB design - Write embedded code - Write full stack code for application - Work with three js modelling - Write spatial tracking algorithms After prototype has been successful, business has launched: - Tole will then phase into executive position. Perhaps CTO would be most applicable but up to negotiation

Identifying target audiences and developing the customer base Be in constant contact with potential users/ customers and gather feedback and their expectations of our product Creating marketing plans that align with the startup's overall goals Be involved in brand management to ensure the startup's brand is consistent and resonates with the target audience Develop and implement effective marketing strategies that help drive revenue growth and brand awareness Developing effective go-to-market strategies Creating product positioning and messaging Driving awareness and adoption through various marketing channels Execute digital marketing campaigns, track and analyze metrics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns

- get in contact with many companies - pitch our services - close the deals - grow the sales department
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