Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

798 Startup-Jobs gefunden

798 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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The co-founder overseeing the technical aspect will play a pivotal role in the development of the electric kitchen device within your startup. Here are some key responsibilities this co-founder might undertake: 1. **Product Development and Design:** - Conceptualizing and developing the electric kitchen device from ideation to prototype. - Designing and optimizing the technical aspects of the product for efficiency and functionality. 2. **Research and Technological Innovation:** - Continuous research into the latest trends, technologies, and innovations in kitchen technology. - Integrating innovative features and technologies to make the device unique and competitive. 3. **Prototyping and Testing:** - Creating prototypes for the kitchen device and conducting comprehensive tests to ensure functionality and reliability. - Iteratively improving the design based on test results and user feedback. 4. **Technical Specifications:** - Creating detailed technical specifications and documentation for the product. - Collaborating with other team members to ensure technical requirements are met. 5. **Team Collaboration:** - Working closely with other co-founders, especially those responsible for marketing, sales, and finance, to ensure technical and business goals align. 6. **Supplier Management:** - Selecting and coordinating suppliers for the required electronic components and materials. - Ensuring an efficient supply chain for production. 7. **Regulatory Requirements:** - Ensuring compliance with all relevant regulatory standards and regulations for electrical household appliances. 8. **Scalability and Future Alignment:** - Planning for the scalability of the product to accommodate future developments and market requirements. By taking on these responsibilities, the technical co-founder ensures that the electric kitchen device is not only innovative but also technically robust and market-ready.

currently working on: • validating the business case and conducting expert interviews • designing & developing the MVP: open beta version ready in Q1/ 24 • preparing business plan & pitch deck for seed funding investment round

- Entwickeln von Marketingstrategien und Maßnahmen-Konzepte - Kampagnenentwicklung und Entwicklung von Automationskonzepten - Budgetplanung und -verantwortung - Führung eines virtuellen Teams - Mitwirkung in der Entwicklung und Aufbau neuer Geschäftsfelder als Teil der Geschäftsleitung

Ein starkes Team aus Designern, Software Architekten, PM und Marketeers gestaltet Räume und Wohnungen nach Kundenwunsch a.k. Curated Shopping von Möbeln & Deko. Als Interior Designer liebst du es, Räume oder Wohnungen einzurichten. Neben einer Passion für Interior erwarten wir 2+ Jahre relevante Berufserfahrung, eine geeignete Qualifikation, Organisationsgeschick und eine freundliche, kommunikative Art.

1. We are looking to build a community website that allows brand ambassadors to access their earnings 2. We will need to design and build strong digital presence and launch our first batch of bottles as a drop 3. We need to refine a direct to consumer strategy and design a Shopify store 4. We need to build relationships and attract partners for hosting regular in person events as well as distributing our product to these partners

Build pages & components based on provided designs, check out new technologies & try them out

- Sell Wordpress websites - Sell website maintaince plans - Make new websites - Expand our offers trough your knowledge

Exciting tasks right before market entry with up to 40% shares. Your tasks will involve talking to coffee shop owners, brainstorming and reviewing all kinds of things (monetarization, privacy, ideas, ...), marketing campaigns, finance, and more.

- Development of front-end side for Bithority project - Building an appropriate terminal for connecting smart-contracts to front-end design - implementing the Bithority interface for users in an innovative and friendly environment - Delivering tasks during tight deadlines in coordination with other team mates - Having used to working and collaborating in remote and international way

- Weiterentwicklung der Dart & Flutter Application - Redesign der App - Pflege der Datenbank mit mySQL - Kontrolle der Notifications mit Firebase

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey to disrupt the coffee machine market? Join our team as a co-founder and play a pivotal role in turning our vision into reality. You will join us in the pre-seed and pre-funding phase, and become a full-fledged co-founder with all its risks and rewards. Our groundbreaking solution offers barista-quality coffee without the space and effort constraints of traditional machines. Say goodbye to capsule machines and hello to our capsule-free capsule machine - focusing on convenience and sustainability. We are looking for a highly creative marketing ace / all-rounder (because of start-up). - crafting brand strategy - driving marketing - preparing funding rounds - building brand awareness - analysing market metrics - website design - social media - creating compelling content

You'll be the first technical cofounder, so you will be leading the CTO, leading the technical vision for the app. You will build the product and bring on other technical partners to help in areas you aren't as familiar with. You are a technical leader and can help motivate others to keep going.

Design and execute experiments. Do technical developement hand in hand with the initiator of this project and support him, when he can't.

As Ecofusion is taking its very first steps towards Incubation, you will be part of a three-person team acting as Equals. The CFO will be most responsible for creating a business plan, that we will use to convince future Incubators. Apart from that the CFO will be responsible for accounting and marketing. The co-CEO will be most responsible for the Production of Prototypes and Production/Scaling. As Productdesigner and co-CEO I will be most responsible for user-centric design, Prototyping, and Marketing. Thus the whole Team is going to work closely together so that we compliment each other's strengths.

Erstellung von allen notwendigen Grafiken, Layouten und Designs Entwicklung von weiteren kreativen Funktionen Branding
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