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“In this flexible role, you’ll help develop and implement marketing strategies on a part-time basis. You will create content, manage digital marketing campaigns, and optimize SEO and social media efforts. You’ll work independently to execute these strategies while collaborating with the team on key performance metrics and insights. This is an ideal role for someone looking to supplement their main job with part-time, impactful marketing work.”
- Plan, implement and manage marketing strategy - Contribute to the overall growth of the company - Review and manage content marketing strategy - Determine KPIs for marketing department - Keep the marketing budget in check - Track KPIs on a regular basis and present reports - Work with sales and development and customer success teams - Create and present the annual marketing plan and strategy - Use data and reports to make evidence-based decisions - Analyze company's marketing strategy and suggest improvements - Stay up to date with the latest technology - Stay up to date with the latest best practices - Attend marketing conferences and educational programs - Design, plan and execute effective marketing campaigns
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