Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

208 Startup-Jobs gefunden

208 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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Join the company's long-term technology vision and strategy and be part of a unique Brand. Develop a roadmap for the implementation of new features, products, and technical enhancements to improve user experience and drive growth. Provide leadership, mentorship, and professional development opportunities to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Front-end and back-end development: Lead the development of our web-based software, focusing on both front-end and back-end aspects. Data Collection and LLM tuning: fine-tune and/or prompt-engineering of Large Language Models (LLMs) to produce high quality audio guides. Model Maintenance and Improvement: Maintain existing models and develop a pipeline to enhance them using customer data. Tech-Product and Team Management: Plan the technical product roadmap and eventually hire engineering staff and manage the engineering team Product Strategy: Keep updated with the latest technology and AI trends to contribute to the product strategy. Startup Representation: Promote the company's vision and achievements to stakeholders and in the media.

Deine Aufgaben 🧑🏽‍💻 Du schreibst sauberen, hochwertigen, leistungsstarken und wartbaren Code 🚢 Du unterstützt beim Testen und Einführen neuer Funktionalitaeten 👥 Du teilst dein Wissen im gesamten Team bei Dailies, im Pair Programming oder bei Code-Reviews und bist dabei ein Vorbild für hohe Code-Qualität. Du bist hilfsbereit und unterstützt, wo du gebraucht wirst. 🪨 Du baust robuste Schnittstellen zu diversen externen Systemen auf. 🎯 Gemeinsam mit Deinem Team strukturierst, diskutierst, und schätzt Du die Aufwände der technischen Realisierung unserer fachlichen Anforderungen. 🎮 Du evaluierst Frameworks, Libraries und Tools auf Basis deiner Erfahrungen, baust PoC’s und optimierst so bestehende Lösungen und Prozesse. 💡 “Everything that can be automated will be automated” - du bringst neue Ideen ein um den Entwicklungsprozess zu verbessern und eine hohe developer convenience sicherzustellen.

Ample knowledge in Micro Biology/Biotechnology/ Bio Chemistry, who can closely work with microorganisms. A person who is willing to learn new things and who can have a positive mindset to develop a product which is especially for market and customer sales.

Drive the development and scale out of the existing product. Help add new and customer specific features. The product is developed in React, Golang, python and seek AI knowledge. Should drive the roadmap, help raise funds and assist in sales and marketing.

- Innovate & Implement: Design and develop critical software components of our AI solutions. You’ll collaborate closely with co-founders to tailor our products to the needs of our clients, ensuring they are scalable, reliable, and secure. - Leadership & Guidance: Play a pivotal role in the technical direction of our project. Your expertise in AI development will be instrumental in mentoring team members and shaping our innovation-driven culture. - Enjoy the Journey: Working on this project isn’t just about the grind; it’s about having fun and being part of an inspiring endeavor with vast potential.

1. developing and implementing new features (perks, weapons, maps,...) 2. Database integrations 3. UX

Your tasks will include - Setting up the research and development department including an in-house workshop - Active involvement in shaping our corporate development and strategic product portfolio - Product development as well as production, testing, installation, and maintenance of pilot plants - Establishment, support and implementation of development and production partnerships - Providing technical support and advice to pilot customers

Key Responsibilities: - Own the Technical Strategy: Take charge of the technical direction of the Startup, driving the development and execution of the overall technical roadmap. - Team Building: Build and lead a talented and motivated technical team, fostering collaboration and innovation. - Innovative GenAI Techniques: Spearhead the development of pioneering GenAI techniques for personalized chronic disease intervention. - Technical Asset Development: Create unique and valuable technical assets by leveraging proprietary medical data and models. - GenAI Thought Leadership: We are seeking a thinker in GenAI with a demonstrated ability to generate original ideas and applications. This individual should have a passion for developing and implementing their own unique concepts in the realm of GenAI applied to digital health. The ideal candidate is someone eager to contribute fresh perspectives, stay ahead of industry trends, and actively guide the startup in exploring new frontiers within the evolving landscape of GenAI in healthcare.

- You review and analyze the construction plans of infrastructure using italian and european engineering standards. - You perform structural analysis and design of complex structures using professional software and FEA (Finite-Elemente-Analysis). - During everyday-work you collaborate closely with their software team to integrate structural models into their cloud platform. - You are responsible for preparing design reports and documentation in english and italian language. - You are also responsible for monitoring, maintaining and updating structural health analysis of infrastructure.

Software engineering Code optimiziation UX design Visuals All other StartUp-related things you want to learn: Marketing, Pricing, Customer Support, Raising Money, Pitching ...

Als CTO werden Sie die technologische Richtung unseres Startups maßgeblich mitgestalten und die Entwicklung des Produktportfolios leiten. Ihre Aufgaben umfassen die Einführung neuer Technologien und Programmiersprachen, die Gewährleistung einer schnellen und effizienten Einarbeitung in diese und die Erstellung und Implementierung robuster Softwarelösungen. Sie werden eng mit dem Gründerteam zusammenarbeiten und einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Schaffung einer agilen und innovationsgetriebenen Unternehmenskultur leisten.

building a company with a meaningful impact
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