Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

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46 Startup-Jobs gefunden

46 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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You will get into touch with the amazing world of alternative crypto based financial markets having the chance to implement a data aquisition, strategy execution and operation control and monitoring system.

Front-end and back-end development: Lead the development of our web-based software, focusing on both front-end and back-end aspects. Data Collection and LLM tuning: fine-tune and/or prompt-engineering of Large Language Models (LLMs) to produce high quality audio guides. Model Maintenance and Improvement: Maintain existing models and develop a pipeline to enhance them using customer data. Tech-Product and Team Management: Plan the technical product roadmap and eventually hire engineering staff and manage the engineering team Product Strategy: Keep updated with the latest technology and AI trends to contribute to the product strategy. Startup Representation: Promote the company's vision and achievements to stakeholders and in the media.

- Experiment with linear models and nural nets in order to predict price movements - Implementing the models into trading strategies - Calculate new trading indicators as features (based on feedback and discussion with CEO) - Making changes to the existing prototype of the bot

- You are responsible for the technical development and implementation of the knowledge management solution - You are an equal partner as co-founder and the associated tasks

Your initial tasks will be: • Develop a prototype/POC • Develop and refine a robust, scalable product architecture • Co-create a product roadmap

Building a product from the scratch to overcome current challenges in the field. Working together with various stakeholders to accelerate product-market-fit and go-to-market.

- Erstellung von Scripten und Workflows zur Extraktion, Aufbereitung und Integration von Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen. - Identifikation von Trends und Mustern durch fortgeschrittene statistische Analysen. - Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Abteilungen, um die Bedürfnisse der Geschäftseinheiten zu verstehen und datenbasierte Lösungen anzubieten. - Kontinuierliche Evaluierung und Verbesserung von bestehenden Modellen und Analysen. Arbeiten mit modernen Datenplattformen, wie ReTool.

Du kannst das Projekt von Anfang an mit umsetzen und die voll einbringen und mitgestalten.

- Die Basis der KI zu beschreiben und zu entwickeln/betreiben - Ein Technologieteam aufzubauen und zu leiten (falls die CTO Rolle übernommen werden sollte) - An der strategischen Ausrichtung des Produkts und des Unternehmen mit zu arbeiten - Verantwortung für die Skalierbarkeit, Betreibbarkeit und den betriebswirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Technologie zu übernehmen

* Fine-tuning LLMs for specific use cases to improve our product * Defining our roadmap, e.g. with regards to data collection, MLOps * Staying up to date with the quickly evolving field * Going forward, building and leading our AI team

We are a highly motivated team of one data scientist/AI expert and 2 web developers building an exciting new mortgage solution. Usage of edge technologies like data science and AI. The team has multiple years of working experience for large corporates and start-ups.

You get a chance to join as a co-founder and shape together the core of our product by implementing AI-based features and supporting overall app development. Core responsibilities: - Leveraging state-of-the-art AI methods and solutions available on the market (like RAG, agents, finetuning, embedding) as well as creation of new AI models to support AI-powered feature development (e.g. chat or digital try-on functionality) - Co-development of the backend and/or frontend (depending on your preferences and skills) - Deriving requirements for new data and AI from customer feedback and our product roadmap - Extending and refining the data as well as data quality management

Please note that the startup already exists and was founded in 2020. After a stop due to other full-time work commitments, I would like to take care of this business idea already recognized by industry leaders. The desired capability is to develop the technological side of the solution from scratch. Together we will work on: Market validation Building an MVP Work on the pitch deck Present the business idea to interested parties (partners, investors, advisors, etc.)
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