Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

188 Startup-Jobs gefunden

188 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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Join the company's long-term technology vision and strategy and be part of a unique Brand. Develop a roadmap for the implementation of new features, products, and technical enhancements to improve user experience and drive growth. Provide leadership, mentorship, and professional development opportunities to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

This is very early stage Startup. That means, we will lead this and finding solutions for problems we have to work on it more than anything. As the CTO of this Startup I expect to make a solid app from this idea.

- You are responsible for the technical development and implementation of the knowledge management solution - You are an equal partner as co-founder and the associated tasks

Your initial tasks will be: • Conceptualize an ABM framework that underpins our product • Steer comprehensive data strategy and analysis to inform the product development process • Co-create a product roadmap

Your initial tasks will be: • Develop a prototype/POC • Develop and refine a robust, scalable product architecture • Co-create a product roadmap

some areas but not all..tbd Technical Architecture Design: Establishing the technical foundation of the product, including choosing the tech stack and designing scalable systems. Development and Coding: Hands-on development, especially in the early stages, to build the MVP and iterate based on feedback. Product Strategy: Collaborating on product vision and strategy, ensuring the technology aligns with business goals. UI/UX Collaboration: Working closely with design to ensure the product is not only functional but also user-friendly and visually appealing.

Full responsibility of the technical side of the Start-Up

Participate in Funding Rounds / Build Go-To-Market (GTM) / Customer Interviews / Marketing / Development

- Absolute Freiheit & 100% Support in der Umsetzung - Verantwortung für IoT Datenerfassung- & Auswertung - Aufbau/Anbindung einer Cloud Infrastruktur - Entwicklung eines Algorithmus für die Generierung von Handlungsempfehlungen - Mobile APP Anbindung für den Enduser

you will support the team by building both, a scalable software product and a powerful development team. please get in touch to align on the details!

Hand-in-Hand Arbeit mit dem restlichen Team aus anderen Bereichen des Unternehmens. Ausarbeitung eines ersten MVP´s für die Anwendung der Technologie. Testläufe mit ersten Testdatensätzen und die selbstständige Entwicklung. Präsentation des Prototypens bei Konzernpartnern aus der Modewelt. Unternehmungen als Gründerteam für das gemeinsame Wachstum & ein menschliches Beisammensein.

Initial Phase: Building the MVP Technical Foundation: Establish the core technology stack suitable for scalable, personalized educational solutions. Focus on AI and machine learning frameworks that support adaptive learning paths. Product Development: Lead the design and development of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), ensuring it embodies the vision for personalized education and coaching. This includes setting up backend systems, database designs, and user interface prototypes. Team Building and Leadership: Assemble and manage a tech team capable of delivering high-quality software development. Cultivate a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning. Stakeholder Engagement: Work closely with co-founders and other stakeholders to align the technology development with business goals, user needs, and market demands. Mid-Term: Scaling and Enhancing the Platform Platform Scaling: Oversee the scaling of the platform to support a growing user base, implementing robust, scalable infrastructure and optimizing performance. Feature Expansion: Direct the continuous development and integration of new features and functionalities based on user feedback and emerging educational trends. Data Privacy and Security: Ensure the highest standards of data protection and privacy are maintained, implementing secure coding practices and compliance with relevant regulations. Innovation and Research: Foster an environment of continuous innovation, exploring new technologies and methodologies to enhance personalized learning experiences. Long-Term: Strategic Growth and Diversification Strategic Planning: Lead the technological strategic planning, envisioning long-term product evolution, and identifying opportunities for growth and expansion. Partnerships and Collaborations: Explore and establish partnerships with educational institutions, technology providers, and other relevant organizations to enhance platform offerings and reach. International Expansion: Guide the technology strategy for international market entry, adapting the platform to meet the needs of diverse educational systems and cultural contexts. Sustainability and Impact: Drive initiatives that ensure the platform not only scales but does so in a way that positively impacts society, contributing to educational equity and accessibility.

Du wirst Mitgründer einer UG oder GmbH und hast die Verantwortung für alle Entwicklungsthemen. Lass uns gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten. Darüber hinaus entwickelst Du KI-basierte Assistenten bzw. Chatbots, die komplexe, außenwirtschaftliche Inhalte beherrschen, um als persönliche Zollexperten für u.a. Zollagenturen und Speditionen zu agieren. Der fachlichen Input wird zur Verfügung gestellt, sodass Du dich komplett auf die IT-Komponente fokussieren kannst.
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