Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

3909 Startup-Jobs gefunden

3909 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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- Überwachung und Verbesserung der IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen des Unternehmens. - Einarbeitung in und Implementierung von neuen Sicherheitstechnologien und -verfahren. - Aktive Teilnahme an strategischen Entscheidungsprozessen des Unternehmens, um die technologische Ausrichtung mit den Geschäftszielen in Einklang zu bringen - Überwachung und Evaluierung der technologischen Trends und Innovationen

Exciting tasks right before market entry with up to 40% shares. Your tasks will involve talking to coffee shop owners, brainstorming and reviewing all kinds of things (monetarization, privacy, ideas, ...), marketing campaigns, finance, and more.

- Development of front-end side for Bithority project - Building an appropriate terminal for connecting smart-contracts to front-end design - implementing the Bithority interface for users in an innovative and friendly environment - Delivering tasks during tight deadlines in coordination with other team mates - Having used to working and collaborating in remote and international way

- building up a company as a co-founder - concept development and implementation of the core product - software architecture and long-term technology vision - cool person

Aufbau eines neuen Standortes Mitarbeiterführung Controlling

Front-end and back-end development: Lead the development of our web-based software, focusing on both front-end and back-end aspects. Data Collection and LLM tuning: fine-tune and/or prompt-engineering of Large Language Models (LLMs) to produce high quality audio guides. Model Maintenance and Improvement: Maintain existing models and develop a pipeline to enhance them using customer data. Tech-Product and Team Management: Plan the technical product roadmap and eventually hire engineering staff and manage the engineering team Product Strategy: Keep updated with the latest technology and AI trends to contribute to the product strategy. Startup Representation: Promote the company's vision and achievements to stakeholders and in the media.

Du kannst von dem Produkt bis zu der Vermarktung arbeiten. Für eine Präsentation schreibst du mich einfach an und ich schicke es rüber.

- Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Marketingstrategien zum Markteintritt und zur Steigerung der Markenbekanntheit - Verantwortlichkeit für die Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Online- und Offline-Marketingaktivitäten

• 🌟 Definition der technischen Vision und Umsetzung in innovative Plattformlösungen • 🛠️ Entwicklung einer vollumfänglichen Portallösung über Developer Team in Indien (oder anderen Drittländern) • 👨‍💻 Führung eines (externen) Entwicklerteams und Sicherstellung der technischen Anforderungen • 🤝 Zusammenarbeit als Mit-Gründer zur Umsetzung technischer Strategien • 🔧 Auswahl und Implementierung geeigneter Technologien und Tools im Tagesgeschäft • 🚨 Überwachung der technischen Infrastruktur und Sicherheit der Plattform und der IT • 📈 Integration relevanter Trends und Best Practices

* Business Development and Internationalisation Developing a (non-profit) business model Contributing to shaping the long-term vision Product development Developing a scaling and internationalisation strategy Developing a communications strategy for different target groups Communication with stakeholders (establishing partnerships, participation in networks) * Operational Management & Team Lead / Development Managing finances / reporting / controlling Planning budgets Project management International fundraising and grant applications Long-term team development Definition of roles and responsibilities Recruitment of new team members

Development of the AI system. Sys-Admin Establishing of server infrastructure.

1.Sales Strategy: Develop and implement comprehensive B2B sales strategies to acquire new business clients, including student hostels, housing companies, and other relevant organizations. Identify target markets, segments, and key decision-makers within potential B2B client organizations. Build and nurture relationships with prospective clients through effective communication, presentations, and networking activities. 2.Supplier Negotiation: Lead negotiations with suppliers to secure favorable terms, pricing, and conditions for sourcing sustainable home articles. Evaluate supplier proposals, contracts, and agreements, ensuring alignment with UGOBEL's quality standards and sustainability goals. Continuously assess market trends, supplier performance, and product availability to optimize sourcing strategies and maintain competitive advantage. 3.Business Development: Drive business development initiatives to identify new sourcing opportunities, product categories, and partnerships that align with UGOBEL's mission and objectives. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing, operations, and product development, to support the expansion of UGOBEL's product offerings and market presence. 4.Market Research and Analysis: Conduct market research and analysis to identify emerging trends, competitive landscapes, and potential growth opportunities in the sustainable home setup industry. Utilize market insights to inform strategic decision-making, product development initiatives, and sales and marketing strategies.
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