Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

223 Startup-Jobs gefunden

223 Startup-Jobs gefunden

alle Länder

Business Model brainstorming some technical complexities

Du wirst Mitgründer einer UG oder GmbH und hast die Verantwortung für alle Entwicklungsthemen inne. Gestalte mit mir gemeinsam die Zukunft.

Programme Description: The Executive Assistant Programme at Gastimate Technologies offers a unique opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the strategic development of a start-up and to work directly with the founders. In this programme, you will have the chance to immerse yourself in different areas of the company, from product development, marketing and sales to finance and strategy. The aim of the programme is to give you a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management of a start-up and to prepare you for future management positions within the company. Your tasks: Supporting the founders in operational and strategic matters. Collaboration on projects in various areas of the company to gain a holistic overview. Creation and preparation of decision papers, analyses and presentations. Organising and coordinating internal and external appointments, meetings and events as well as accompanying customers, investors and partners. Contributing to the development and implementation of process improvements.

Breit angelegte Rolle mit allen Themen rund um HR und People&Culture Aufbau & Etablierung neuer Prozesse und Abläufe Skalierbarkeit des Unternehmens herstellen

Entwicklung eines Marketingkonzepts, Community Management, Content creation, Social Media...

Owning the Production process and operations.

Help in submission grants, marketing, business plans

Candidates for the Co-Founder position in our wall printing business will encounter several challenges: 1. **Global Expansion:** Navigating the complexities of expanding a business into new international markets, particularly in Europe, requires strategic planning and adaptability. 2. **Cultural Diversity:** Dealing with diverse cultures and business practices while establishing connections in the European market poses challenges in communication and relationship-building. 3. **Market Dynamics:** Understanding and responding to the unique demands and trends of the European wall printing industry. 4. **Regulatory Compliance:** Complying with varied regulations and legal frameworks in different European countries adds a layer of complexity to business operations. 5. **Building a Network:** Establishing connections and partnerships in a new region demands effective networking skills and relationship-building. 6. **Competition Analysis:** Identifying and analyzing local competitors to position the business effectively in the European market. 7. **Adapting to Change:** The candidate must be adaptable to changes in market conditions, consumer preferences, and technological advancements. 8. **Strategic Decision-Making:** Making crucial decisions to drive the company's growth and market penetration. 9. **Innovation:** Continuously innovating within the wall printing sector to stay ahead of the curve and meet evolving customer expectations. 10. **Team Leadership:** Leading a diverse team and fostering a culture of collaboration and creativity to achieve common goals. 11. **Financial Management:** Ensuring sound financial practices to sustain the business amid economic fluctuations. Candidates who thrive on challenges, possess resilience, and demonstrate strategic thinking will find an exciting opportunity to contribute to the success of our global expansion.

Marketing Customer relations Employee relations

Marketing Customer relations Employee relations

Marketing Customer relations Employee relations

Aufbau und Festigung langfristiger, vertrauensvoller Beziehungen zu unseren Logistikpartnern Verantwortung für das Onboarding neuer Partner sowie die kontinuierliche Betreuung bestehender Partnerschaften Koordination und Leitung von Netzwerk-Treffen und Arbeitskreisen zur Optimierung unserer Prozesse Proaktive Verbesserung von Logistikprodukten und -prozessen in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern Administrative Tätigkeiten zur Sicherstellung eines reibungslosen Betriebsablaufs

We are looking for different people who find our idea interesting and want to participate.

Acquisition, contract management, process analysation, change management
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