Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

256 Startup-Jobs gefunden

256 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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* Unterstützung beim Erstellen von Präsentationen und Pitches sowie beim Vortragen dieser. * Business Development und Strategieentwicklung. * Als Co-Founder:in gehörst du natürlich auch zum Management und solltest diese Aufgaben übernehmen können.

* Unterstützung beim Erstellen von Präsentationen und Pitches sowie beim Vortragen dieser. * Business Development und Strategieentwicklung. * Als Co-Founder:in gehörst du natürlich auch zum Management und solltest diese Aufgaben übernehmen können.

To arrest if something come up. Making business plan, doing establish company process, helping to set applications for funds

The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at our 3D Printing Services Company is expected to serve as a visionary leader, steering the technological direction in alignment with our business objectives. A critical aspect of their role involves developing and executing a robust technology strategy that incorporates the latest innovations in 3D printing. They are tasked with leading our research and development efforts to ensure our products set industry standards. Operational excellence, quality control, and the optimization of production processes are fundamental to their responsibilities, ensuring our services meet the highest standards of reliability and efficiency. The CTO will also build and mentor a high-performing technology team, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Effective communication with stakeholders, building strategic partnerships, and aligning technology initiatives with market needs are key expectations. Ultimately, the CTO will drive our technological advancements, maintaining our competitive edge and positioning us as leaders in the 3D printing industry.

As a co-founder at Proxy Emobility, expect to influence electric mobility in Africa, lead innovations, and tackle unique challenges. You'll play a crucial role in our expansion and hold leadership in a dynamic environment, contributing to sustainable mobility and financial inclusion on the continent.

What We're Looking For: -Quantitative Skills: Proficiency in developing and optimizing trading algorithms. - Tech Savvy: Strong coding skills (preferably in Python) and experience with trading platforms. - DataScience/AI/ML: Ability to develop with our CTO an AI framework i.e. FinGPT (nice-to-have) - Strategic Mindset: Ability to devise and implement robust trading strategies. - Risk Management: Expertise in managing financial risks and ensuring profitable trades. - Leadership: A visionary leader who can navigate the team through the highs and lows of startup life.

We will shuttle among the senior management of major banks and investment companies, so we need excellent language skills and sufficient self confidence, at the same time, you need to meet the standards of your own needs

developing a ci, develop and master marketing and communication channels, in the first step not for the customers, but for investors.

Running a flexible financial support platform and raising money to secure funding.

- company com, budget, strategy, partnership, fundings ..

Finanzstrategie entwickeln: Ausarbeitung einer langfristigen Finanzstrategie, die das Unternehmenswachstum unterstützt. Kapitalbeschaffung: Identifizierung und Sicherung von Finanzierungsquellen, einschließlich staatlicher Fördermittel und Investitionen. Budgetmanagement: Erstellung und Überwachung des Budgets zur effizienten Ressourcennutzung.

Building together with the Founder Team a Plan, financial plan, crowdfunding plan

I'm currently developing a unique platform to revolutionize the world of sports. To take the idea to the next level, I'm actively on the hunt for a dynamic and passionate co-founder. The mobile app is currently undergoing beta testing and the subsequent stages involve securing pre-seed funding and launching the product to the public. You would focus on the following areas: - Market research and analysis - Business Strategy Development - Pitching and Fundraising

Deine Aufgabe ist der eigenständige Vertrieb auf Provisionsbasis.
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