Startup-Jobs in Deiner Region

Starte jetzt als Mitgründer:in durch oder verstärke ein bestehendes Startup-Team als Mitarbeiter:in, Mentor:in oder Investor:in.

274 Startup-Jobs gefunden

274 Startup-Jobs gefunden

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The co-founder overseeing the technical aspect will play a pivotal role in the development of the electric kitchen device within your startup. Here are some key responsibilities this co-founder might undertake: 1. **Product Development and Design:** - Conceptualizing and developing the electric kitchen device from ideation to prototype. - Designing and optimizing the technical aspects of the product for efficiency and functionality. 2. **Research and Technological Innovation:** - Continuous research into the latest trends, technologies, and innovations in kitchen technology. - Integrating innovative features and technologies to make the device unique and competitive. 3. **Prototyping and Testing:** - Creating prototypes for the kitchen device and conducting comprehensive tests to ensure functionality and reliability. - Iteratively improving the design based on test results and user feedback. 4. **Technical Specifications:** - Creating detailed technical specifications and documentation for the product. - Collaborating with other team members to ensure technical requirements are met. 5. **Team Collaboration:** - Working closely with other co-founders, especially those responsible for marketing, sales, and finance, to ensure technical and business goals align. 6. **Supplier Management:** - Selecting and coordinating suppliers for the required electronic components and materials. - Ensuring an efficient supply chain for production. 7. **Regulatory Requirements:** - Ensuring compliance with all relevant regulatory standards and regulations for electrical household appliances. 8. **Scalability and Future Alignment:** - Planning for the scalability of the product to accommodate future developments and market requirements. By taking on these responsibilities, the technical co-founder ensures that the electric kitchen device is not only innovative but also technically robust and market-ready.

Front-end and back-end development: Lead the development of our web-based software, focusing on both front-end and back-end aspects. Data Collection and LLM tuning: fine-tune and/or prompt-engineering of Large Language Models (LLMs) to produce high quality audio guides. Model Maintenance and Improvement: Maintain existing models and develop a pipeline to enhance them using customer data. Tech-Product and Team Management: Plan the technical product roadmap and eventually hire engineering staff and manage the engineering team Product Strategy: Keep updated with the latest technology and AI trends to contribute to the product strategy. Startup Representation: Promote the company's vision and achievements to stakeholders and in the media.

An opportunity to be involved right from the start and make a full contribution

About Us: LinkedCopilot is a dynamic B2C SaaS platform empowering individuals to maximize their personal brand on LinkedIn. We provide cutting-edge tools and strategies to help users stand out and achieve their professional goals. Role Overview: We are seeking a skilled B2C Marketing Partner to join our team. As a key player in our growth journey, you will spearhead marketing initiatives, drive user acquisition, and elevate our brand presence in the digital landscape. Responsibilities: Develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies to drive user acquisition and retention. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align marketing efforts with product development and business objectives. Conduct market research and analyze trends to identify new growth opportunities. Create compelling content across various channels, including social media, email campaigns, and blog posts. Manage advertising campaigns to optimize ROI and reach target audiences effectively. Build and maintain strong relationships with influencers, partners, and industry stakeholders. Monitor and report on key performance metrics, providing insights for continuous improvement.

Design and execute experiments. Do technical developement hand in hand with the initiator of this project and support him, when he can't.

Ample knowledge in Micro Biology/Biotechnology/ Bio Chemistry, who can closely work with microorganisms. A person who is willing to learn new things and who can have a positive mindset to develop a product which is especially for market and customer sales.

Your initial tasks will be: • Develop a prototype/POC • Develop and refine a robust, scalable product architecture • Co-create a product roadmap

Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Prototypen

- Innovate & Implement: Design and develop critical software components of our AI solutions. You’ll collaborate closely with co-founders to tailor our products to the needs of our clients, ensuring they are scalable, reliable, and secure. - Leadership & Guidance: Play a pivotal role in the technical direction of our project. Your expertise in AI development will be instrumental in mentoring team members and shaping our innovation-driven culture. - Enjoy the Journey: Working on this project isn’t just about the grind; it’s about having fun and being part of an inspiring endeavor with vast potential.

Entwicklung der technischen Infrastruktur und Implementierung der Plattform NFTOnly. Auswahl und Implementierung der geeigneten Blockchain-Technologie für die Erstellung, Verwaltung und den Verkauf von NFTs. Entwicklung von Funktionen wie Metadaten zur Rückverfolgung des Ursprungs, zeitliche Limitierung von NFTs und die Möglichkeit für Creator, NFTs zu zerstören.

Your main task will be to get the product to MVP and get it ready for scaling. My responsibilities will be to map and define what needs to be developed and sell it once we have MVP.

Work in srict loyality cose if no our devices can be stolen despite the loyalty.
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