Das bringst du mit

You will work closely with the founders to ensure the suc­cess of our Product Test­ing phase, Early Aware­ness phase and finally the Launch phase over the year 2019.

- Con­tent cre­ation for early mar­ket­ing, test­ing and launch ran­ging from copy­writ­ing to video­graphy.
Drive early mar­ket­ing ini­ti­at­ives and man­age pub­lic rela­tions while keep­ing an eye on the com­pet­i­tion.
-Man­age and grow our social media pres­ence to cre­ate interest amongst early adop­ters and poten­tial part­ners.
-Identify test sub­jects and local swim­ming pool part­ners for the trial pro­gram in Ber­lin.
-Plan and deliver train­ing/brief­ing pro­gram for par­ti­cipants of the test group.
-Plan and execute trial pro­grams while col­lect­ing pre- and post-trial sur­veys.

Das erwartet Dich

We are pas­sion­ate about build­ing a product that empowers swim­mers and triath­letes to train bet­ter and improve per­form­ance. A tool like never before designed from the ground up and ready to create a splash!

Das bieten wir

-To join a highly motiv­ated team and take part in rede­fin­ing the sport of swim­ming.
-Monthly Sti­pend of €2500 for the fund­ing period till Dec 2019.
-Flex­ible work­ing envir­on­ment - choose your work­ing hours.
-Cozy work­ing space at an Innov­a­tion Hub in Ber­lin-Mitte with a fully equipped com­munity kit­chen.
-Mas­ala Chai and Cof­fee.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

To enable effective swim learning and enhance training efficiency.

Join a highly motiv­ated team and take part in rede­fin­ing the sport of swim­ming.

Prototyping, Testing and Market Fitment

Swimmers - beginners and pro
Rehabilitation - injury and disabilities


Berlin Region
40h / Woche Arbeitszeit
2500 Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum
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