Autonomy is a necessary condition for sustainable transportation networks of goods and people at scale. Autonomy isn't the problem, it's part of the solution!



What we offer

Operations concept (DevOps, TestOps, ConOps)

Integration of safety critical function such as
- positioning
- C2Link management
- flight termination
- collision hazard avoidance
- autoland
- safety of life services (e.g. base don OpenUTM)

Regulatory considerations in SORA (Specific Operation Risk Assessment) and towards "high" risk xor "Certified" operations

Target group

I seek advice on next steps from potential Co-Founders, Investors and Technical Peers


Make a business plan, decide if becoming next steps are feasible. Objective is to get traction towards a demonstrator project together with existing partners (cooperation, supply) for a fully software-defined solution

Our Story

Autonomy is a difficult problem that few dare to invest their resources in. Yet it is the golden road to flexible, cost-effective operations at scale, for which there is no easy incremental path.
I led several research and development projects, defined entry-to-service plans at the program level, and got a clear idea of how to address the challenge for safe and economical flight.
When my development division of 20+ employees was shut down due to conflicts with other company priorities, I decided to transfer my technical division to an initial consulting basis to learn more options to address the challenge and build trusted relationships.
Despite the technical work with my current clients (e.g., nextgen avionics, offshore transportation development, conversion from manned to unmanned aircraft), there has been no specific technical development to date. Uncertainties where to set the focus is and schedule of feature increments is too high. So I have a vision, high-level requirements, and a possible development path, but no demonstrator or product (yet).