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Searching co-founders for AI company with great ecosystem
Ermögliche digitale Geschäftsmodelle durch effiziente und professionelle Softwareentwicklung im Team Co-Founder Employee
Gemeinsam besser machen
Julia Kopp
Julia Kopp
Passion. Endurance. Quality. Employee Co-Founder
Sebastian Wenzler
Sebastian Wenzler
"Die reinste Form des Wahnsinns ist es, alles beim Alten zu lassen und gleichzeitig zu hoffen, dass sich etwas ändert." - Albert Einstein
Joachim Kohl
Joachim Kohl
Enabling Agile Transformations & High Performance Teams | Speziell für Startups | Sprecht mich an
Ruslan Yalovenko
Ruslan Yalovenko
Outcome over output. Agile software product development, engineering management, and software architecture. Involved in all stages of Web Application lifecycle. Co-Founder
Robin Kretzschmar
Robin Kretzschmar
Founder | SCRUM Master | Facilitator | DEV | ☕ | Thinking different | 🏋️
Rayabandi Srinivasa
Rayabandi Srinivasa
Interested in co-founder and director role. Decade of global program leadership experience. Ready to drive innovation and growth in startup journey. Employee Co-Founder
Burkhard Süssenguth
Burkhard Süssenguth
You get what you give. Co-Founder
Alex Röhm
Alex Röhm
Sinnvoll Werte schaffen Co-Founder
Alona M
Alona M
Great Teams Make Great Products Co-Founder Employee
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