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14 Entrepreneurs found

14 Entrepreneurs found

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Let's play

  • Steinau an der Straße
Tobias Martens

Tobias Martens


  • Stockholm


vive y deja vivir

  • Málaga
Mohamed Hannoura

Mohamed Hannoura

Vertriebsmitbegründer für Neukundenakquise gesucht

  • Lübeck
Daniel Brandl

Daniel Brandl

Let's do it!

  • München
Paul Anca

Paul Anca

Founder of Alpha. Tackling problems in the social sector through design and technology. Backpacker & life-long learner.

  • München
Mathias Neubauer

Mathias Neubauer

optimism, passion, data-driven

  • Paris
Bartłomiej Owczarek

Bartłomiej Owczarek

I'm launching inderApotheke.de in Germany

  • Berlin


imagine it! believe in it! do it!

  • Wien
Konstantin Von Brocke

Konstantin Von Brocke

A dynamic business management graduate with strong aspirations, experiences in marketing and sales, and a natural tendency to network.

  • Berlin
Giulio Sistilli

Giulio Sistilli

Professional with more than 10 years of experience in engineering and project management. Bachelor in engineering and MBA.

  • München


I'm passionate about entrepreneurship because for me, it's the best way to improve the world we live in.

  • Berlin
Eduardo Yanez

Eduardo Yanez

Well-connected mining engineer with international background

  • Karlsruhe


Communication skills. I can speak fluently 5 languages.

  • Frankfurt am Main
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