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4 Entrepreneurs found

4 Entrepreneurs found

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Siddhant Tibrewal

Siddhant Tibrewal

Soft on people, hard on facts

  • Hamburg


Mode neu denken - nachhaltige & zirkuläre Lösungen für die Zukunft entwickeln

  • Berlin
Frederik Rasenberger

Frederik Rasenberger

All about sustainable and circular design

  • München
Dan Alvarez

Dan Alvarez

I decided on processing SG after working in the Plagwitzer Brewery. I'm a mechanical engineer with degrees in Safety and Risk management and business. I have worked in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and mining and metals sector. In these facilities, I have led initiatives to manage operational risks and improve manufacturing operations. These improvements led to savings, as well as safer and more environmentally compliant manufacturing sites. I am passionate about food and processing technologies. And I am particularly attracted to optimizing industrial value streams and enjoy tackling the challenges presented by the circular economy concepts.

  • Leipzig
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