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Spring Residency

About Antler: Our global community of builders, investors, operators, experts, and partner organizations backs people from the very start of their founder journey — we are the day zero investor. Since 2018, we have helped create and invested in more than 600 startups across a wide range of industries and technologies, with the goal of backing more than 6,000 by 2030. Antler is the investor backing the world’s most driven founders, from day zero to greatness.

About our Residency: We look for founders with a proven track record of execution across a range of academic and professional backgrounds, who are fiercely ambitious, who possess an intense bias towards execution, and who are innately driven to change the world. You must be able to attend our six-week phase one Residency in-person in Boulder, CO. We admit individual founders, people looking for co-founders, and pre-existing teams, but we are entirely focused on the 0 to 1, the earliest stages of team and business building. You can come to us with just an idea - if you're truly ready to sprint forward and build, we'll work with you from day zero. After six weeks of building with us in Residency, you may have the opportunity to pitch our Investment Committee for pre-seed funding to launch your startup.

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