LEIM will change the philosophy of language learning. It turns an “artificial” and tough routine into a natural and engaging experience.



What we offer

LEIM is a Chrome-browser extension to learn new language seamlessly while reading. It looks like a hybrid of Google Translate and Duolingo. When you read a webpage, it translates unfamiliar words, and then creates a test with them. Thus - you can turn any webpage into an exercise.

Target group

Language learners (at beginner levels: A1, A2). Currently for English, German and Spanish languages.


On the one hand, currently I have several growth areas of my product mindset, especially how to gather a team, build a market strategy and scale the business. So I need mentorship to manage this.

On the other hand, I need funding for product development, marketing and for personal expenses so I could fully devote myself to LEIM.

Our Story

In October, 2022 I was forced to leave my home and start with a clean slate in a new country, particularly in Austria. Pretty soon I found that with German language knowledge you have much more privileges here: starting with networking and finishing with job market opportunities. But I had just elementary level of German. Actually I could formulate only several typical sentences like: *"Ich will Capuccino"* or *"Wo ist der Hauptbahnhof"* and knew a little bit of basic grammar.

That’s why I soon started learning German. As many people I believed in a legend, that when you get to native speaking environment, the language will learn itself. So I don`t need to do much extra efforts. And yes, since I'm staying in German speaking country it seems I have plenty of opportunities to practice my Deutsch in real life just solving daily tasks.

In reality it doesn`t work like this, at least when you are a beginner. After interviewing a number of experts (professional translators, experienced teachers, polyglots) and conducting my own research I found what was the problem, especially with German. As a solution I have built LEIM.
