Your search for "Creative thinking" resulted in the following hits:

Market access, growth and innovation - strategic partner for healthcare and life sciences founders and start-ups
Market access, growth and innovation - strategic partner for healthcare and life sciences founders and start-ups
Please contact Camilla to discuss how she can support your business goals and challenges to accelerate growth and maximise commercial impact Consulting & Coaching
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Sebastian Janus
Sebastian Janus
I love supporting high-growth companies in building up their finance processes and designing financial planning & controlling processes. Business Angel Co-Founder Mentor
Philipp Längle
Philipp Längle
Kreativkopf & Gründer mit wirtschaftspsychologischem Hintergrund. Als Suchender nach neuen Herausforderungen möchte ich die Welt Stück für Stück verbessern. Co-Founder
Mathias Stanzel
Mathias Stanzel
Leidenschaftlicher Wissenschaftler und Musiker Employee
I want to found my company for architectural services. I hold a B.Sc. in Architecture Co-Founder
Béla Essinger
Béla Essinger
Seeking new technologies to create a better tomorrow!
Klara Yoon
Klara Yoon
Founder of an impact start-up that recycles silicone chemically and feeds it back into production, thus closing the material loop in for silicones.
Nico Walker-Zimmermann
Nico Walker-Zimmermann
15+ Jahre digitale Pionier-Agenturen, Transformations Beratungen & Brand Strategie Rollen für geballte Empathie, Innovationsdurst und Optimierungsstreben. Employee Co-Founder
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