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Tobias Flam
Tobias Flam
Zielorientiert + Fokussiert ohne das große ganze aus den Augen zu verlieren + Charmant hartnäckig Employee Co-Founder
Life goes pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
Michael Hebenstreit
Michael Hebenstreit
Equity Trader • Investor • Contrarian • Web3 Enthusiast • Digital Entrepreneur Business Angel Employee Co-Founder Mentor
Vanessa Meister
Vanessa Meister
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Co-Founder
Dream Big, Start Small, Act Now. Co-Founder Employee
Nik Kremer
Nik Kremer
Every storm eventually ends and when it ends you want to be ready. Employee Co-Founder
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