Your search for "CAD (Solid Works" resulted in the following hits:

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Basil Boluk
Basil Boluk
Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Fullface Mask (ARHUDFM) is for the Department of Defense and for civilian purposes (physicians, firefighters, police). Co-Founder
Karl Zechner
Karl Zechner
Ich bin auch Co-Founder
Sadek Mostafa sadek
Sadek Mostafa sadek
One day or day one , you decide Co-Founder
Das größte Risiko ist, keine Risiken einzugehen Employee Co-Founder
Waldemar Pelz
Waldemar Pelz
I create your Idea !💡😁 Co-Founder Employee
Uzair Mehmood
Uzair Mehmood
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Employee Co-Founder
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