Your search for "HR Strategy" resulted in the following hits:

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Carina Felten
Carina Felten
Mutig in die Zukunft: Gründergeist im Herzen, Erfolg im Visier! Co-Founder
Experienced green-tech entrepreneur for 10 years, looking for the next venture opportunity Co-Founder
Sarah Linh Pham
Sarah Linh Pham
Opportunities look a lot like hard work Co-Founder
Fabian Wiencke
Fabian Wiencke
HR Rocks! Employee Co-Founder
Trina Das
Trina Das
Building tomorrow, today. Co-Founder
Always look on the bright side of life! Co-Founder
Diana Renz
Diana Renz
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible Employee Co-Founder
Carolin Seher
Carolin Seher
Für eine agile Zukunft: Gemeinsam Veränderung gestalten und Chancen nutzen Employee Co-Founder
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