Your search for "optimization" resulted in the following hits:

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Wired by Hardware, Inspired by Possibilities. Co-Founder
Christoph Hess
Christoph Hess
Nerd with social competence. Quick grasp and joy solving problems. Employee
Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Never Give In Employee Co-Founder
André Kühn
André Kühn
Analyzing Challenges, Crafting Solutions: That's My Analytic Drive! Employee Co-Founder
Unternehmerisches Denken und Erfahrung, Fachexpertise (Machine Learning, Data Science, Programmierung) Co-Founder Employee
Semjon Jacobsen
Semjon Jacobsen
"life is a journey, explore, learn and best love it". Co-Founder
skylar sim
skylar sim
Engineer / Scientist looking to optimize, support and validate your product. Employee
Simon Bychykhin
Simon Bychykhin
Improvement never stops
Ruslan Spartakov
Ruslan Spartakov
Every movement counts
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