Your search for "mentale gesundheit" resulted in the following hits:

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Mert Can Celik
Mert Can Celik
Seeking an ambitious co-founder to help people achieve better mental health. Co-Founder
"Lass mich einen dieser Funken sein, klein und unscheinbar, doch fähig helle Flammen zu entfachen." Employee Co-Founder
Ines Akid
Ines Akid
learning by doing by enjoying what you are doing Employee Co-Founder
Matt Podgorski
Matt Podgorski
Let's have a digital coffee chat to start the conversation! Employee Co-Founder
Jonas Bohlender
Jonas Bohlender
👋 Reach out and learn more: 📧 Send us a mail : [email protected] 📲 Let`s talk on Whatsapp: +49 1522 6610071 Co-Founder
UX/UI-Design für sinnhafte Projekte Employee Co-Founder
Hochmotiviert, interdisziplinär ausgebildet, emphatisch, Erfahrung durch Auslandssemester, zahlreiche Praktika, Traineeprogramm und Job Co-Founder
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