Your search for "user behaviour" resulted in the following hits:

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Burkhard Süssenguth Silver Premium Badge
Burkhard Süssenguth
You get what you give. Co-Founder
Areej Hashmi
Areej Hashmi
Design for Change Employee
Anastasiya Zatyshniak
Anastasiya Zatyshniak
Designing pleasure into user experience Employee Co-Founder
. Co-Founder
Simon Neugebauer
Simon Neugebauer
Building technology to enable human flourishing.
Having a background in business intelligence, I bring experience with anything to do with data, from setting up BI to simple machine learning algorithms. I bring experience with various business models, as well as Process management & Project management. Additionally, I bring basic experience with multiple topics, having gained it through the typical BI interactions with other teams. I believe in empowering and supporting my peers to execute their work as well as they can. I take a performance based approach and am completely open to the unorthodox. I'm an achiever who sets realistic goals with expectation to over-perform.
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