Your search for "Developing" resulted in the following hits:

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Wahdat Edris Qaimi
Wahdat Edris Qaimi
...things have to be done... Employee Co-Founder
Andreas Haken
Andreas Haken
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. Co-Founder
Sonja Hammann
Sonja Hammann
The road to some day leads to a town called never. Co-Founder
Daniel Modler
Daniel Modler
Getting Things Done. Co-Founder
Jung, dynamisch, workaholic, diskret, zuverlässig, belastbar und loyal Co-Founder
I wanna redefine the way we access and share knowledge throughout the internet.
Unnikrishnan B
Unnikrishnan B
I'm searching for a co-founder who doesn't need to be a tech expert for my startup idea, which is currently in the MVP stage.
Artur Hellmann
Artur Hellmann
Es gibt nichts das man nicht kann. Und kann man doch etwas nicht, dann kommt eben frischer Wind rein. Employee Co-Founder
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