Your search for "Social Enterprise" resulted in the following hits:

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Successfully managed global projects within international public companies. Created several award-winning startups and startup concepts. Let's get in touch! Co-Founder
Dr. Tom Krug
Dr. Tom Krug
Ohne Fleiß keinen Preis. Employee Co-Founder
Fabian Kinadeter
Fabian Kinadeter
Ich bin motiviert und voller Tatendrang, Ideen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Employee Co-Founder
start up your communication! Employee Co-Founder
Theresa Schwarz
Theresa Schwarz
Environmental and humanitarian expertise, (marketing) communications and management. Nomad. Lived in developing and developed countries. Co-Founder
Daniel Baur
Daniel Baur
Mit Herz und Verstand Employee Co-Founder
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