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78 Entrepreneurs found

78 Entrepreneurs found

all Nations


Was man nicht kann, kann man lernen.

  • Böblingen


Creative & Innovative Senior Frontend / Full-Stack Web Developer

  • München
Noel Schenk

Noel Schenk

I love building amazing experiences. I love working with 𝚌̶𝚛̶𝚊̶𝚣̶𝚢̶ ambitious designers. I love creating things that can't be done.

  • Koblenz


Ich helfe Startups dabei, digitale Plattformen und Produktideen im Rekordtempo aufzubauen. #MVP #Webentwicklung #Produktdesign

  • Berlin


Experienced End-to-End Product Manager and Executive (B2C & B2B, Startup & Corporate). Full-Stack Developer. Recognized Marketing Expert.

  • München
Senan Huseynov

Senan Huseynov

I am a Full Stack & Blockchain Developer

  • Helsinki
Georgos Abdulnour

Georgos Abdulnour

People with great #passion can make the impossible happen

  • Hamburg
Tom Segbers

Tom Segbers

Decoding life one coffee cup at a time.

  • München
Stefan Schablowski

Stefan Schablowski

German. Software. Engineer.

  • Hamburg
Denis Voropaev

Denis Voropaev

In space there is no north, in space there is no south, in space there is no east, in space there is no west

  • Moscow


Ich bin auf der Suche nach Cloud Solutions-Architekten, Backend Developern und IT-Projektmanagern für unser schnell wachsendes IT-Start-up auf fullremote-Basis.

  • Berlin
Anteo Caliqi

Anteo Caliqi

20 years of engineering experience...looking for the next cool project to help humanity.

  • Karlsruhe
Akram B.

Akram B.

Langjährige Erfahrung in der IT-Branche als Web-Entwickler

  • Hamburg
Ümit Eroglu

Ümit Eroglu

Full-Stack Entrepreneur (Tech/Product/Growth) looking for Co-Founders with strong Product | Design | Marketing expertise.

  • München
Christian v. Appen

Christian v. Appen

IT Freelancer, 20 Jahre Erfahrung (u.a. PHP- + SQL-Backends, JS / SPA Frontends)

  • Hamburg


Talk is cheap, let’s do it

  • Wien
Christian Lehnert

Christian Lehnert

SR. Developer & CEO | Reduced Server Costs by 50% | 6+ Years Experience as Backend Developer | Expertise in Python, Java & Spring Boot | 30+ Certifications

  • Ravensburg
niemeh dabbas

niemeh dabbas

Ich bin senior backend Entwickler mit großen Erfahrung im e-Commerce und Automatisierung Bereich

  • Graz
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