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6 Entrepreneurs found

6 Entrepreneurs found

all Nations


Kreativität im Herzen, Ausdauer im Handeln.

  • Kiel
Mohammad Bawardi

Mohammad Bawardi

I'm a graduated student and I'm looking for challenging job that can improve my skills in fled of IT, Networking, Data Management, and Elect

  • Mannheim
Jan Nicolas Meier

Jan Nicolas Meier

21 years old, addicted to music, good food and communication!

  • Luzern
Dirk Ruschmeier

Dirk Ruschmeier

I am interested in the

  • Stuttgart


Having studied Computer Science, Business Management, Electrical Engineering, Multimedia Networking CAS in Project Management and Digital Insurance Working experience within (re-)insurance, banking and public services Having done many projects of what is now called "digital transformations" as well as data migration / data improvement projects Being 50+, hence maybe considered old, but definitely willing to learn and perform

  • Zürich
Federico Brond

Federico Brond

MVP / Data / Analytics

  • Valencia
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