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14 Entrepreneurs found

14 Entrepreneurs found

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Raza Ahmad

Raza Ahmad

Leading Innovation, Empowering Technology.

  • London
Georgos Abdulnour

Georgos Abdulnour

People with great #passion can make the impossible happen

  • Hamburg
Dr Uche Dickson Ijioma

Dr Uche Dickson Ijioma

Each move brings us closer to the dream

  • Cottbus


you can always move forward

  • Medellín
Anastasiya Zatyshniak

Anastasiya Zatyshniak

Designing pleasure into user experience

  • Seedorf
Tien Do Nam

Tien Do Nam

Ich entwickle mobile Apps!

  • Leipzig


Senior Experte für Hardware- und Software-Entwicklung (Web- und Mobile-Apps)

  • Berlin
Jens W

Jens W

Betriebsleitung, Landwirtschaft, Tierproduktion, Fleischproduktion, SoLaWi, Demeter, Bioland, Produktentwicklung, Handwerk, Kfz, Elektronik, IT

  • Stuttgart
Martine Weidig

Martine Weidig

Nothing worthwhile is easy.

  • Hamburg


Make it work, make it right, make it fast!

  • Mukō
Himanshu Yadav

Himanshu Yadav

Innovate, Elevate, Collaborate: Crafting tomorrow's success stories with Code, Creativity and with good people.

  • München


You're only limited by the limits you believe in.

  • Stockholm
Viktor Shcherban

Viktor Shcherban

Seasoned CTO for early-stage startups. Solving real-world problems using Gen AI.

  • Berlin
James Zhu

James Zhu

A fair stake in our startup and the chance to work in a great team towards a meaningful mission

  • Österreich
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