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11 Entrepreneurs found

11 Entrepreneurs found

all Nations


Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

  • Liège
Sascha Stuckmann

Sascha Stuckmann

"Work Hard - Dream Big!" Creativity Meets Rationality

  • Hamburg
Stefanie Scheurer

Stefanie Scheurer

Agile doer with a passion for complex and entrepreneurial challenges, Looking for a strategic and operational leadership role in EMEA

  • Hamburg
Philoj Johny

Philoj Johny

I believe in adding value to the world around me

  • Cochin
Kseniya Dockhorn

Kseniya Dockhorn

Only those who try can actually reach something

  • Frankfurt am Main
Christina Wiessner

Christina Wiessner

FoodTech | Sustainability | Health | Conservation

  • München
Claus Hammer

Claus Hammer

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

  • München
Theresa Schwarz

Theresa Schwarz

Environmental and humanitarian expertise, (marketing) communications and management. Nomad. Lived in developing and developed countries.

  • Wiesbaden
Linda W.

Linda W.

Vision, Kompetenz, Energie und eine gute Idee

  • München
Sven Wittich

Sven Wittich

Mikroinvests und Sparringspartner

  • Berlin
Dieter Baur

Dieter Baur

It is never to late ;-)

  • München
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