Park smarter, not harder
Intro / About me

"JUSTPARKIT" revolutionizes parking in smart cities using cutting-edge IoT technology. Our parking service not only makes it easy for drivers to find available parking, but also helps city governments optimize parking resources and reduce traffic congestion.

I'm looking for

Co-Founder/CTO in the field of electronic and informatics

I offer

Mitgründung oder Mitarbeit in den Bereichen: Hardwareentwicklung und Appenwicklung


"JUSTPARKIT" verkürzt die Parkplatzsuche in Smart Cities durch Echtzeitdaten aus Hardware-Installationen auf Parkplätzen. Nutzer erhalten diese Daten über App.

B2C Internet of Things Software Development
Jobs Listings
CTO/Full-Stack-Entwickler:in needed for Internet of Things Startup

Co-Founder Business Developer Manager Researcher
CTO needed for Internet of Things Startup

Co-Founder Business Developer Manager Researcher
CTO needed for Internet of Things Startup

Co-Founder Business Developer Manager Researcher
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