Intro / About me

I'm Martin Boehmer. More details about me are in the works and coming soon.

I'm looking for

We are an early-stage social startup connecting people through hobbies. We are live on iOS and Android and are looking for mentors and co-founders in UX, marketing and programming. I am personally looking to hearing from you :)

I offer

Our team is experienced in UX, marketing, programming, and finance. We know each other for some time now and are all very experienced with ambitious plans and close teamwork. Get in contact with us to change the way people connect with each other towards a more simple, authentic way. We seek to accelerate meetings in real life.


65% der GenZ fühlen sich einsam. Durch unsere App möchten wir dieses Problem bekämpfen, indem wir Online-Verbindungen und Freundschaften in die Offline-Welt übertragen und unterstützen.

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