Intro / About me

We spend at least one third of our lives at work. So… choosing the right company should be important, right? At Talentese, we believe being happy means working in a company with a purpose and vision you truly align with and in a company culture that fits you. That's why we’re here: Our mission at Talentese is to help people find the ideal place that would make them enjoy every day at work. How do we do this? We ask companies to take our Company Culture Employer Fit Test (CEFT ©) and with the help of it we learn and analyse their culture as an employer. We show job seekers the companies from the inside and make sure they can learn a lot about working in a company before even applying for a job there! Here’s when our amazing content production team comes in place with professional photos and videos of office surroundings, film interviews and employee testimonials - everything to highlight company culture in order to provide all the relevant information and help people make the right choice. We guarantee an intuitive and fun job-searching experience and provide access to professional coaching to make achieving any career goals easier. At Talentese, we truly believe in two things: people are happy at work when they feel identified with the company; and companies want to have happy employees, because they would perform much better. Talentese was created to ensure this, and to introduce a new era of the job search you’ve never experienced before.

I offer

An innovative Job Board


Make Mondays a Great day again

B2B Enterprise Software
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