Ein Ingenieur mit Berufserfahrung, erfolgreicher Gründer einer Sportmodemarke, kreativer Kopf mit maximalem Umsetzungs-Einsatz.
Intro / About me

I'm Philipp Deslandes. More details about me are in the works and coming soon.

I'm looking for

Co-Founder Entwickler

I offer

Interessante Geschäftsidee im Bereich Sport-Trainings (CrowdCoaching) Mode-Knowhow (Design-Prozesse, Entwicklung, Einkauf)


We connect you to people who know exactly the right wa(a)ys to reach your goals... and the other way around!

Corporate Training Sports
Jobs Listings
sportliche(r) Entwickler(in) needed for WAAYS - ein Sport Crowd Coaching Startup

Giving everybody a chance to share their knowledge and really thrive upon one's passion for sports! Becoming the Spotify for Sports!

Co-Founder Developer
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