Unternehmer in Deiner Region

Entdecke Mitgründer:innen, Startup-Mitarbeiter:innen, Mentor:innen oder Unterstützende aus Deiner Region.

15 Unternehmer gefunden

15 Unternehmer gefunden

Michaela Ganser

Michaela Ganser

Gemeinsam zum Erfolg: Lass uns deine Visionen durch Technologie und Kreativität verwirklichen.

  • Schönbach
Sebastian Vogt

Sebastian Vogt


  • Mayen


Ich bin musikalisch, kreativ, introvertiert, sportlich, geduldig, innovativ

  • Neuwied
Arben Veseli

Arben Veseli

Unternehmen leben nicht von dem, was sie produzieren, sondern von dem, was sie verkaufen.

  • Mayen
der fuhr

der fuhr

der Held vom Erdbeerfeld

  • Neuwied
Malte Sielski

Malte Sielski

Ich bin ein junger Gründer mit Tatendrang, Unternehmergeist und Visionen. Let´s get started!

  • Mayen


Ich bin absolut loyal, ehrlich, lösungsorientiert und widme mich meinen Aufgaben mit voller Einsatzbereitschaft.

  • Mayen
Daniel Steinmetz

Daniel Steinmetz

Arbeite als Medienfachwirt im Marketing. Bin Hanwerklich geschickt, da meine erste Ausbildung Tischer war ;-) Bin ein Teamplayer der sich gerne weiterentwickeln möchte.

  • Mayen
Dennis Ollig

Dennis Ollig

Automotive, B2B, SaaS

  • Mayen
Peter Lichtherte

Peter Lichtherte

Erfahrung und Einsatz!

  • Cochem
Axel Fischer

Axel Fischer


  • Neuwied
Stanislav Ivanov

Stanislav Ivanov

Well, I do not want to give a lot of details but assume that you are bored and you have this "I am Bored!" mobile app. It will ask you simple questions and in return will give you suggestions. These suggestions are going to come from a big data engine that will use your location, facebook contacts, some public rest APIs of public services, and so on. It will be very simple at the GUI level and whole complexity will be at the server level. I am a passionate and highly-experienced engineer. What I need is a very solid marketer to work together on this challenging but very promising idea. Have a look at my LinkedIn profile to see how serious I am and let me check your LinkedIn profile, too. This project will need huge effort but will be very rewarding if the right path is followed.

  • Neuwied
Alan Wolf

Alan Wolf

Walk Sit Love Pet Care located in Colorado is expanding and offering pet care referral service and virtual recruiting solution. My goal is to building a network that will change the way consumers find a pet sitters and dog walkers. Growing a network built on a personalized vetting process and matching pet parents with pet caregivers. Background check, references and qualifications don’t tell you enough about the members. Unless you’re not a picky pet parent like so many. What about their character, love and passion for pets and it takes the right provider to co-parent and create that balance between skill and trust. Pet Matchmaker to find the perfect pet care providers out there. I believe with the right co-founder we could take on the large companies already out there. There's a huge difference between a pet owner and a pet parent. It's not about just being a profile on a site with a short bio. If interested I'll tell you more and my business plan is almost done.

  • Neuwied
Leonard Anthony

Leonard Anthony


  • Neuwied


Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnologie, Logistik

  • Mayen
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