Unternehmer in Deiner Region

Entdecke Mitgründer:innen, Startup-Mitarbeiter:innen, Mentor:innen oder Unterstützende aus Deiner Region.

16 Unternehmer gefunden

16 Unternehmer gefunden

Kevin Dean Dill

Kevin Dean Dill

Nichts ist unmöglich, wenn man realistisch bleibt und einen guten Plan hat.

  • Bremerhaven


Organisationstalent auf der Suche nach dem richtigem Projekt

  • Bremerhaven
Jonas Klitzka

Jonas Klitzka

Ich bin ein sehr aufgeschlossener Mensch und freue mich darüber, neue spannende Persönlichkeiten kennen zu lernen.

  • Bremerhaven
Dogan Kirhan

Dogan Kirhan

I love innovation and every problem to solve. I dedicated myself to only see challenges and find the best solution by trying and failing. I always have a great vision and am constantly looking for new opportunities to become a better version of me. In my career I have enjoyed different teams and challenges we had to overcome. These experiences taught me the following about myself: Through my creative streak, I manage to think outside the box and recognize important alternatives. In addition, I impress with my communicative strength, which is why I can develop above-average solutions in a team with different characters within a short time. In addition, I have excellent comprehension skills, which is why complex contents can be grasped and understood by me quickly. Due to a high level of commitment, I can positively influence the processes within a solution finding process. I attach great importance to the organization and planning of the steps necessary to find the solution to a challenge. Based on this, a SMART-formulated goal is pursued and achieved by me with great dedication. In general, I am a good-hearted person who is open to interact with people from all over the world. I like to learn. I would therefore also take advice from my little niece, who knows more about 'TikTok' than most of my friends. I also actively try to break out of my comfort zone by constantly trying out new things and being open to change. I am also a humorous and technically minded person who likes to talk about innovations and profound topics. My family has had a great influence on me, which is why my one of my greatest goal has always been to learn not to judge a person based on their appearance. Accordingly, I try to be exactly that person who would bring a smile to my face. I enjoy meeting new people and hearing new perspectives. Reach out if you want to talk to me about emerging tech, creating new businesses or football.

  • Bremerhaven
Mahesh Baldaniya

Mahesh Baldaniya

Embedded Hardware / Softwire system

  • Bremerhaven



  • Bremerhaven
Milan Rai

Milan Rai

It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

  • Bremerhaven
Elnur Ahadov

Elnur Ahadov

Aut inveniam viam aut faciam

  • Bremerhaven
Elias Rysanek

Elias Rysanek

Student an der Hochschule Bremerhaven im Studiengang Maritime Technologien

  • Bremerhaven
Asharaful Alam

Asharaful Alam

Embeded system , Embeded c, simulation , design. power Engineering .

  • Bremerhaven
Nuradin Schöning

Nuradin Schöning

B2C, Marktplatz / Plattform, Soziales Unternehmertum

  • Bremerhaven
Anita Bölk

Anita Bölk

Erfahrung im Inbound und Outbound

  • Bremerhaven
Fabian Marx

Fabian Marx


  • Bremerhaven
Shalin Garbe

Shalin Garbe

  • Bremerhaven


B2B, Beratung, Sport

  • Bremerhaven


Werbung, Musik, Soziale Netzwerke

  • Bremerhaven
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