Unternehmer in Deiner Region

Entdecke Mitgründer:innen, Startup-Mitarbeiter:innen, Mentor:innen oder Unterstützende aus Deiner Region.

7 Unternehmer gefunden

7 Unternehmer gefunden

alle Länder
Lara Klinkenberg

Lara Klinkenberg

Creativity is contagious. Pass it on. Marketing enthusiast with a strong product mindset and creative drive.

  • Düsseldorf


Social impact internet startup founder

  • München
Claas Voigt

Claas Voigt

orcatec.io is the digital collaboration platform for the supply-chain-management of the 21st century. Problem Companies are lost in managing their supply chain / Excel, Emails, etc. are commonly used to manage jobs - from receiving an order confirmation over shipment to invoicing. Multiple stakeholders are involved, information is not forwarded, responsibilities, timelines and tasks are unclear. Delays and production downtimes are the result. We have validated this problem with 10+ Supply Chain Managers. Product Provide a single solution to make orders status transparent, detect issues, make responsibilities easy to follow and collaboration fast. Specs: Web App incl. Chat/Feed on order level, notification system, passwordless authentication , ML based document recognition, simple workflows, task and document management Differentiation Business Integration along supply chain is nowadys covered with APIs, making it reliable, but hard to setup, especially for small and medium sized companies. We aim to solve this with ML based document recognition (speaking very general)

  • München
Jens Schneider

Jens Schneider

25 years experience in building SaaS business and founding companies.

  • Frankfurt am Main
Sanjeevan Naveenthirarajah

Sanjeevan Naveenthirarajah

I develop products - connecting the dots between business, design and analytics.

  • Berlin
Armin Tüll

Armin Tüll

My mission is to change positively as many lives I can

  • Tallinn
Roman S.

Roman S.

Studium BWL mit technischer Qualifikation, zurzeit nebenbei bei einem IT-Unternehmen. Kleinere selbstständige Arbeiten in der Vergangenheit.

  • Kaiserslautern
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