Unternehmer in Deiner Region

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Alex Cuciurean

Alex Cuciurean

With 19 years of IT-related experience, through numerous projects, I gathered comprehensive practical experience in most IT-related functional teams and methodologies, covering both business and technical perspectives. I activated in all the phases of product/application lifecycle management. I built HA/DR and Security models for ecosystems of applications, shaped the definition of the digital strategy for on-premise, private cloud and multiple public cloud-hosted IT Solutions in local, regional and global environments. • Operations experience: application support, project implementation, project delivery, project design, project technical lead, technical application owner, mentoring, coaching and supervising technical delivery leads, project managers; • Sales and Presales experience: Lead Cloud Solutions Architect and Principal IT Consultant with BID Management technical leadership responsibilities; • IT Strategy: IT Portfolio Management, Product Management and Product Innovation initiatives. Focussed on innovation and automation, with a balanced vision between new and future technologies, I have a strong belief that any problem has at least two possible solutions. Being a self-learner, I focus on transmitting new concepts and approaches to the entire team, empowering others to use them successfully. I am highly self-motivated to get things done with the human, technical and financial resources allocated to a specific project, new product or IT transformation initiative.

  • Berlin
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