Unternehmer in Deiner Region

Entdecke Mitgründer:innen, Startup-Mitarbeiter:innen, Mentor:innen oder Unterstützende aus Deiner Region.

5 Unternehmer gefunden

5 Unternehmer gefunden

alle Länder


Looking for a co-founder (Fullstack Developer) with a passion for developing a social app centered around vegetarian/vegan cooking.

  • Köln
Kilian Lang

Kilian Lang

*B2B SaaS in Deutschlands Cannabis Industrie* Wir werden der perfekte Symbiose-Partner für alle Unternehmer in der Cannabis-Industrie sein.

  • Bonn
Lara Rieser

Lara Rieser

Mein Lohn ist das Resultat meiner Effizienz und nicht rein meiner Zeit.

  • Heilbronn


My name is Barbara and I am the founder and CEO of Bubble Events, an event agency based in Vienna and Moscow. Bubble Events specializes in private events such as birthdays, anniversaries, corporate events as well as weddings. We try to make each event as exceptional and as personalised as possible, so that every individual can have a special event to share with their friends, family and colleagues. At the moment I am working on another idea, which is to digitalise Bubble Events on a booking platform, which allows people to plan and book their plans fully on one platform. I am looking for a co-founder, who complements my skills and is looking for something serious to work on full-time. I have a strong business and sales background and am looking for someone to take ownership of the product development (building and testing the booking platform). I am super excited and motivated to fulfil this idea and am looking forward to meeting the right person to work with me on this idea!

  • Wien
Claes Heichelmann

Claes Heichelmann

说啥做啥Do what you say

  • Tórshavn
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