Unternehmer in Deiner Region

Entdecke Mitgründer:innen, Startup-Mitarbeiter:innen, Mentor:innen oder Unterstützende aus Deiner Region.

8 Unternehmer gefunden

8 Unternehmer gefunden

alle Länder
Nick Papakonstantinou

Nick Papakonstantinou

Nick is an entrepreneurial MBA graduate who combines experience in the capital markets, marketing/research analysis, and project management. A versatile strategist with a strong passion for start-ups and new technologies who aspires to join the venture capital industry when he feels competent enough to make a real difference. He is also a notorious technophile who uses everything that the latest technology has to offer. So far in his young career, he has participated in more than 25 projects ranging from digital marketing to investment banking. His portfolio includes numerous Fortune 500 companies in the US and Europe. Specialties: business planning, corporate strategy, competitive research, branding, benchmarking, KPIs (key performance indicators), marketing strategy, financial analysis, cross-cultural management Developing skills: Customer Analytics, German, Financial Modelling

  • Berlin
Arpit Arora

Arpit Arora

"Hardwork, willpower and dedication. For a person with these qualities, the sky is the limit."

  • Budapest XI. kerület
Tobias Draschoff (former Wachowski)

Tobias Draschoff (former Wachowski)

Management’s job is to see the company not as it is, but as it can become - John W. Teets

  • Leipzig
Dima Uzilevsky

Dima Uzilevsky

nothing is impossible

  • Zürich
Mahmoud Elnagar

Mahmoud Elnagar

No one can achieve success alone, so let me join you

  • Cairo
Fernando Piovesana

Fernando Piovesana

You just can't beat the person who never gives up

  • São Paulo


Jeder Schritt zählt, wenn Entschlossenheit das Tempo vorgibt.

  • Paderborn


In pursuit of process automation.

  • Zug
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