CTO & Co-Founder of Inheaden GmbH - helping startups empower ideas
Über mich

I like to bring ideas to life through code. I watched my first python tutorial with the intention of creating games. But the more I learned about programming, the more intrigued I became with all of its facets, and I took it upon myself to learn more about coding. Some of my strengths include: * Fullstack Software Development * Website/App Development * Setting up software architecture Additionally, I have experience with project management, leading a team, hiring new employees and managing all client interactions throughout the project workflow. As CTO of Inheaden - a software consulting and IT startup based in Darmstadt - I’ve handled many client projects, and one of my favourites has to be the Grovy app. We developed this hybrid application that runs on a serverless platform on a big cloud provider in just 8 weeks, from the concept stage to a final, usable product. I have also had the tremendous joy of watching my team grow from 2 members to 8 in just over a year, and we are constantly juggling anywhere between 2 to 4 projects at a time. As a self-taught programmer, I’ve learned that tutorials are important but practice makes the most tangible difference. Starting your coding journey can be daunting but once you begin, chances are you’ll never look back, just like me. I started with python, which is great for any beginner, but I am also proficient in: * TypeScript * Golang * Java * C# Coding is my passion. The goal is to amass both knowledge and experience so I can coach and guide others as they provide valuable services and bring their own projects to life. When I’m not working, I enjoy working out, swimming or listening to a good audiobook.

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