Goal oriented Web-Developer with great set of skills and a big dream to build a solid company.
Über mich

Ich bin Viacheslav Kremeshnyi. Weitere Details zu mir sind in Arbeit und folgen in Kürze.

43 Jahre
Ich Suche

Partner with Sales/Marketing skills who can build trusted relations with existing and new coming customers to scale up SaaS event ticketing project in German speaking countries.

Ich Biete

Partnership in German market for startup which based in Germany but more strong in other countries.


Defeat monopoly giving customers what they need but not what monopoly gives.

B2B E-Commerce SaaS
Offene Stellen
Partner, Co-founder gesucht für SaaS event ticketing service

We are searching for a good salesman, to help us to build trusted relationship with local customers.

Mitgründer:in Marketing Manager:in Business Developer:in
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