Our award-winning app solution empowers employees to build the right skillset for value creation in times of New Work by means of most effective habits



Unser Angebot

Our award-winning solution empowers employees to build the right skillset for value creation in times of New Work through most effective learn-experience-repeat methodology to build new impactful habits in most relevant development areas: creativity, communications, team play, mental & physical health, self-worth


Employees who are challenged in the following way:
- more result responsibility and stronger entrepreneurial acting required
- more creative and innovative solutions needed due to new and dynamic markets
- new ways of collaboration required


- Generate more sales leads for more tractions
- Find a stronger niche to have more targeted G2M approach
- Get enough funding to scale our business

Unsere Story

Feng Xia started the ball rolling for 21done when she inspired me in an entrepreneurial university seminar - I was her professor at the time - with her idea of a marketplace for services around pet and pet owner needs. "This is a soul service", I felt and broadened the focus: a marketplace for several soul services, such as coaching, mindfulness or creativity services. "Soul" became "personal development" and Feng Xia became a fabulous co-founder of our Hamburg start-up.

However, the marketplace was only the first step. Consequently, we intensively pursued the question of how to develop personally in the most effective way. We came across the phrase "You become what you repeat." In other words, it is habits that make us who we are. In fact, about 50% of our daily actions are based on habits. So, after completing our marketplace, we set out with even more vigour to create an app to develop habits that make me grow as a person.

We offer this app for B2C and B2B, but our focus is on B2B because, according to the Harvard Business Review, 70% of workers say they don’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs. A sad statistic, especially considering that employees are required to take on more responsibility and work more independently in times of New Work. Training programmes are currently rarely a suitable solution: Only 25% of employees believe that training has measurably improved their performance. According to Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve, 79% of what has been learned is lost after 1 month. Moreover, current trainings focus on specialised knowledge, which in modern times get outdated progressively faster.

Our innovative and award-winning app unlocks new potential by enhancing vital skills and competencies crucial for value creation: creative thinking, effective communication, teamwork, mental and physical well-being, and nurturing self-worth. What sets us apart is our sustainable approach, seamlessly integrating impactful habits into daily routines, ensuring long-lasting positive transformation.
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