The full power of data crunching, within reach in three or less clicks!



Unser Angebot

Graphite is a content curation tool that helps users distill only the most relevant information from big datasets, while at the same time giving them an overview over the large-scale structure of the data. Our vision is that data are analysed using semantic analysis and graph theory and made available using an intuitive interface that lets users query the structure with respect to different parameters in only a view clicks. Initially we want to work with news articles but the idea can be scaled to many other formats.We are a team of two - one Physics PhD student and one fronted developer/semantic analysis expert, based in Berlin and Vienna.

We don't bring much experience in starting a StartUp on the table but expertise on the core content, lots of enthusiasm for the idea and the maker/communication skills for making an idea reality! We offer the possibility to influence an idea with a big future from day 1. We are furthermore confident in attracting money within the next months, even though a full-time pay cannot be guaranteed and should not be a requirement for joining.


Journalists, News Analysts, publishers,


The next steps are attracting investment (There are already number of private investors interested and also the FU Berlin wants to suggest us for an EXIST-Gründerstipendium), make the business model more specific and start focussed discussions with potential customers.

Unsere Story

The idea for Graphite developed based on intensive thinking about the way in which data crunching power will change the relationship between people and information. We firmly believe that the linear format in which Google et al present search results to users is inadequate and that people can master much more powerful interfaces and data sets than mere lists. Graphite is the outcome of these two strands of thinking.
